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Terms of Service

- I will respond to all messages/emails regarding commissions within 5 days, unless my commissions are closed, or I am on break/hiatus.


- Please be interactive with me and keep in contact with me throughout the drawing process, I will show you WIPs to give you the best service possible.


- If you want to change anything about your commissioned art, please tell me before I finish the artwork. I will ask you if you have any changes needed when I show you WIPs of the commissioned artwork.


- One commissioned artwork may take around 2 weeks to a month to finish, please be patient.

- I have the right to refuse working on a commission and will inform you if i will not work on your commission.

- I have the right to refuse a commissioner/client that behaves disrespectfully/inappropriately/rudely towards me or does not keep in contact with me for at least 5 days throughout the commission working process.

- If you are to share your commissioned artwork anywhere, please credit me.

- Refund is not available once the commissioned artwork is finished.

- If I refuse to continue working on your commissioned artwork, I will refund the money based on how much work has been finished on the artwork.

- All my artworks, including commissioned artworks are not for commercial use. If you would like to commission an artwork for commercial use, please tell me, the prices will be different.

- Please be aware that my art style may fluctuate a lot, but I will try to keep my art style consistent.

- You will receive a high-resolution PNG, JPG, and PDF file once the commissioned artwork is complete.

- I will only work on your commission once I have received payment.

- Reposting a commissioned artwork is allowed as long as proper credit is given to me.

- Commissioner/client must provide at least one photo reference and a detailed description of the character and what you want me to draw.

- I will not draw NSFW (not safe for work), 18+ artworks, and art related to hate towards anyone.

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